When it comes to anything related to your home maintenance, it’s important that you find someone that you can trust. We’ve each heard the horror stories about cow-boy tradesmen who end up ripping people off and doing a poor job which ultimately leads to more damage. It’s a minefield out there, though one that can easily be traversed with some care and consideration.
In this post we’re going to look at ways in which you can spot an electrical company that you can rely on. When you look online or in the paper, everyone is going to be the best in the business. However, that doesn’t necessarily make it so.
Particularly when it comes to the electrics in your home, and the integrity of your circuitry and appliances; it is paramount that you find a reputable and reliable company to assist you. You don’t want to jeopardise the safety of your family and your property by rushing in with the first electrician you encounter.

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They have plenty of positive reviews and testimonials
Check out your prospective electrician’s social media channels to get a feel for what they’re like. Things like Google My Business and their Facebook page are a great way to do this. If they have plenty of positive reviews, then that’s a pretty safe indication that they can be relied on.
They’re proud to show off their certification
Any reputable company worth their salt will not be shy about the fact that they are fully-certified and qualified electricians. Be weary of any company that seems to want to skim over the subject should you bring it up.
On the other hand, when you check out a reputable company, you can see their certifications listed on their home page.
You friends and family have had dealings with them before
This won’t always be the case, but it certainly helps; when you’ve found a company that you like the look of, see if anyone you know has dealt with them in the past. If that’s the case and their experiences were very positive, then you know that you’re on to a winner.
They offer sound advice and genuine concern over the phone
When speaking with a qualified and reputable electrical company, they should be able to identify the issue almost immediately over the phone. Obviously in many cases a thorough inspection will be called for. However, you can spot the reliable electricians when they’re genuinely concerned about your situation and offer sound and genuine advice on how to proceed.
They pride themselves on professionalism
You’ll be able to tell almost immediately when dealing with an electrician as to whether or not they can be trusted based on how they come across on the phone. A company that prides itself on professionalism and being thorough are easy to spot, and they’re the companies that you need to be looking for.